Loving Our Neighbors

We believe people matter!

Immanuel United Church of Christ (IUCC) Food Donations

We collect non perishable food donations which are given to IUCC in Neenah, Wisconsin. IUCC distributes these donations to people who are in need right here in the Fox Valley. If you are interested in donating items, they are specifically looking for:

  • Box dinners like Mac & Cheese and Hamburger Helper
  • Canned meals like Chef Boyardee and Spaghettios
  • Hearty soups that don't require added water
  • Canned fruit like peaches and pears
  • Gift Cards to grocery stores
  • Boxes of cereal

You can drop off these items any time on the table in the New Hope Church lobby. Your blessings are very much appreciated by those in need. Thank you for your generosity!

Immanuel United Church of Christ (IUCC) Free Community Meal

Serving Opportunity - New Hope volunteers serve the free community meal at IUCC on the 4th Wednesday of each month. We are always looking for more volunteers to serve on this team!

The serving shift is from 4:45pm until 7:00pm and it involves serving the meal, enjoying the meal and fellowship with guests who come, and cleaning up afterwards. Children 5 years and older are welcome to join their parents as this is a safe place to serve! There is always a 'leader' on site at every meal who has already served many times and is able to assist with any questions.

Ready to Volunteer or Have Questions?