New Hope Offerings
New Hope's mission is to expand God's Kingdom in us, through us, all around us, and way beyond us.
Click the card directly below to give a one-time or recurring offering to New Hope Church.
Thailand Ministries
This is the Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation - Thailand. New Hope has partnered with CWEFT for over two decades, to provide aid to the underprivileged children and their families throughout Thailand.

HIM Ministry: Lo Family
New Hope supports the Lo Family with their Southeast Asia ministry - Hmong International Mission (HIM). Rev. Dr. Fungchatou (Fung) Lo and his wife Dr. Kalia Lo have been missionaries to the Hmong people in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam since 2007.
CLICK HERE to give online to this ministry, or visit -
Their primary focus is Kingdom growth through discipleship trainings, to start new ministries, and to plant more churches.

Metal Drum Coffee
The Metal Drum coffee ministry is located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is grown in several different mountain locations throughout the country, to provide poverty-stricken families an opportunity for work. These work opportunities provide the people with the funds needed for education and a better future.

$1 for One Other
Members are invited to give $1 each week for souls that matter in Thailand. Over the last 10+ years, New Hope has been able to raise over $60,000 - $1 at a time - to support the health and education of those in need.
If you're not able to attend church in person, there is another option to give toward this ministry. Simply click the blue icon in the bottom right corner of your screen, and select the "$1 for one other" fund. Thank you for your generosity!

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