Who We Are
New Hope Church is a family of Jesus followers. We are single, married, students, parents, and grandparents.
The word hope means to “expect with confidence”. New Hope Church is a place where you can expect with confidence that God is moving in the lives of His people, and building His kingdom.
We are affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. This means we believe:
- Jesus is exactly who He said He is
- Jesus is true God and true man in one person
- Jesus is the Son of God who was crucified and raised from the dead for the salvation of all who trust in Him
- The Bible is the true Word of God that records God's love for the world through His Son Jesus
You're always welcome at New Hope Church. Wherever you are in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the New Hope family. We're saving a seat for you!

Our History
In 1988, Jeff Prewitt was called to be the Pastor at a mission church, a double-wide trailer with about 15 members, which was soon named New Hope Church. One year later, New Hope expanded with a separate room for worship.
In 1991, New Hope preschool began with Pastor Jeff’s wife Laurie as the teacher.
In 1994, New Hope Church expanded again with a new Worship Center, offices, and a commons area.

In the fall of 1999, New Hope kindergarten began after years of parents requesting an expansion of the preschool into the elementary grades. An additional grade was added each year, thus establishing New Hope Christian School.
In 2002, New Hope Church and New Hope Christian School moved into our current building. Five years later, we built out the mezzanine level of our building, creating middle school rooms and the C-Room and Café Liz for our student ministries..
In 2008, we completed another expansion of our building to provide a gymnasium. So many lives have been impacted by the ministries at New Hope. Every corner of our facility is being used to grow God’s Kingdom!
Our Driving Values
Behind Every Set of Eyes is a Soul that Matters to God
We believe that behind every set of eyes we look into, there is a soul that matters to God. Jesus pursues every soul with a warm and relentless affection. (John 3:16, Colossians 1:27b, Exodus 34:6)
Inviting and Inspiring Souls to Follow Jesus
We believe that in following Jesus, we are relentlessly receiving and releasing warm breaths of inspiration. We follow the breaths of Jesus:
His birth (Luke 2:6-7)
His life (Mark 1:17)
His death (Mark 15:37)
His resurrection (John 20:22)
We are God's Chosen, Holy, and Dearly Loved
We believe there is a warm family waiting for you. How would you describe your family of origin according to a temperature scale? Cold and distant? Hot and angry? Warm and nurturing? How about your current family temperature? In following Jesus, we are moving to a warm family. (Colossians 3:12, Acts 2:42-47)
More Jesus, Less World
We believe that in following Jesus, we are ever warmly maturing as disciples. God’s Kingdom is ever warmly expanding in us, through us, all around us, and way beyond us. (John 3:30, Mark 8:36)