Serving at New Hope
New Hope is always looking for volunteers, and serving is a great way to meet new people! Here are some of the areas to consider, and we're open to additional volunteer opportunities based on your specific talents and interests!
Communion Team: Communion is a treasured sacrament by which we strengthen our faith as we remember Christ’s death. Prepare and cleanup Communion trays for worship. Serve one Sunday a month. Training is provided.
Children’s Ministry Team: Volunteer to serve children (babies through 5th grade) in Connectionland Jr. and Connectionland.
Worship Team: Use your vocal and/or musical instrument talents to praise God during our Worship Celebrations.
Cleaning Team: Help make the church a clean and healthy place by dusting, vacuuming the carpet in the lobby and Worship Center, and washing toys for Children’s Ministry. Serving time is flexible. If you have a couple of hours during the week, we’d love your help!
Grounds Team: Help take care of the exterior grounds. Depending on the season, mow and weed, or shovel snow and spread salt in the parking lot. These jobs are done on an as-needed basis when your schedule allows.

Serving in Our Community
New Hope believes people matter. Volunteers serve the free community meal at Immanuel United Church of Christ (IUCC) in Neenah on the 4th Wednesday of each month. We are always looking for more volunteers to serve on this team!
The serving shift is from 4:45pm until 7:00pm and it involves serving the meal, enjoying the meal and fellowship with guests who come, and cleaning up afterwards. Children 5 years and older are welcome to join their parents as this is a safe place to serve! There is always a 'leader' on site at every meal who has already served many times and is able to assist with any questions.