What to Expect
At New Hope, we're all about Jesus. You will not be met with guilt, shame, or condemnation. And we don't care how you're dressed. Our church members are imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.
Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.
Sunday Worship
Sunday Worship is at 9am, lasts about one hour and consists of:
- Uplifting contemporary music
- Biblical teaching
- Prayer
- Communion
Following the 9am Worship Celebration is our Education Hour! From 10:15-11:15am, our youth and adults gather in the Commons for a variety of experiences.

You're always welcome at New Hope Church. Wherever you are in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the New Hope family. We're saving a seat for you!
It may be your first Sunday at New Hope, or maybe you're in your first month. Maybe you've been coming off and on for awhile but are just now looking to connect more to the New Hope family.
We want to get to know you!
Become a Member
Are you ready to make New Hope your church home? The next step is to meet with Pastor Greg. Parents are asked to coordinate off site child care for little ones.
We invite you to complete the below information and a member of our staff will be in touch with you.
We look forward to hearing from you!
NOTE: We value your privacy and would never spam you.