NHCS Hot Lunch
Hot lunch is one thing that makes NHCS unique! Health and nutrition are vital to support a growing body and mind. That’s why New Hope Christian School strives to provide fresh, homemade meals for hot lunch.
- Weekly homemade meals right here in our kitchen
- Students help grow vegetables in our outdoor gardens, to use in our homemade meals
- Drinking lots of fresh water is encouraged from our reverse osmosis water purifier

Meals are ordered in advance so food isn't wasted.
Mondays and Tuesdays
Lunch is made from scratch by our volunteers! This can be anything from meatloaf to hamburgers to tacos to chili.
Alternating weeks: Subs are brought in from Subway and egg rolls are brought in from Eggrolls, Inc.
Your child gets to enjoy a meal packed with love from home.
Pizza is brought in from Little Caesars. Your choice of cheese, pepperoni, or sausage.

Order Form & Payment
Please return the completed order form to the school office. You have the option to pay for hot lunch online by clicking the button below, or you may drop off your payment at the school office. Online payments are secure and convenient.

All hot lunch meals are served by volunteers! Our homemade Monday and Tuesday meals are also prepared by volunteers.
Are you interested in helping with hot lunch? Do you have questions about serving? Simply complete the below form to get in touch with our Hot Lunch Coordinator!